
  • Enjoy the pool
  • Use at your own risk
  • Maintenance and care
  • Most important rule: No glass by the pool
  • Pool shower
  • Pool light

Enjoy the pool

We look forward to you enjoying your time by and in the pool. To make this possible, we make sure that this place is as nice as possible for you. Should something not be in order, please let us know.

Use at your own risk

Use of the pool is at your own risk.

Maintenance and care

The pool and the water are regularly checked and cleaned. Nevertheless, small objects and insects that have been blown in may sometimes float on the water. You will find a pole with a net on the railing that you can use to remove them.

Most important rule: No glass by the pool

We also have a few pool rules that you must adhere to and a few pool rules that we ask you to adhere to.

It is essential that you do not take any glass (glasses, bottles, glass ashtrays, etc.) into the pool or onto the terrace around the pool.

Possible glass splinters, including colored glass, are not visible in the water and pose a very high risk of injury. Glass splinters are also a great danger to the pool liner.

So that you don't have to go without a drink by the pool, there are plastic pool glasses that you can use. You can find them in the cupboard in the living room. The porcelain coffee cups can also be used by the pool. But please do not drink or eat in the pool.

Pool shower

 We have a pool shower next to the pool. It is connected to the cold water pipe. The pool shower is a solar shower that heats up when the sun shines on it, providing approx. 30 liters of hot water. Depending on the weather, the water is either warm or hot. Use the mixer tap to set the right temperature.

Please use the pool shower before bathing.

If the pool shower does not work, you can turn it on at the small water house. A garden hose is connected to the tap.

Please turn the water off again in the evening or when you are not using the pool. You can find more information about the pool shower here. (Click here)

Pool light

The pool has a pool light. To switch this on, use the switch on the wooden railing. When you leave the pool, please switch off the pool light. It attracts insects very quickly, which then end up in the pool.